Thursday, August 16, 2018

An Interview with Suka Mo

Suka Mo's pencil drawings have an endearing simplicity to them (which also makes them easily translatable to the coterie of other memorabilia she makes, from pins to plush animals) that at once both supports and disguises the message of poignant optimism behind them.

At first glance, her childlike characters look like they could be coloring book drawings, with their uncomplicated expressions and their three-stroke figures. But upon closer inspection, Mo's drawings are more than just cute motifs. They depict the intimacies of friendship, embrace femininity, and promote body positivity with a subtlety that's rare amongst similar cartoonists. She conveys a multitude of commentary with just a few pencil lines. She was as succinct with her words in this interview.

What work are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my drawings. I gradually draw pictures. Besides drawing pictures, I also deeply appreciate crafting.

Who are your artistic inspirations?

I like Leiko Ikemura. I don't just get inspiration from artists, but also everyday life. From weather, seasons, smells, time, etc.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Follow what you believe in, enjoy being crazy as much as you like. Treasure yourself without comparing yourself to others.

How did you develop your artistic style?

I just did what I wanted to do. I would like to live with good faith and in freedom from now on.

*Please note that these answers have been translated from Japanese.

Images via Suka Mo's Instagram

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